Edinburgh Remakery in plea for old IT equipment to combat Covid-19 isolation

The Edinburgh Remakery has appealed for donationsThe Edinburgh Remakery has appealed for donations
The Edinburgh Remakery has appealed for donations
The organisation has partially re-opened its doors.

The Edinburgh Remakery has issued a plea for donations of old IT equipment to be repaired and donated to those facing isolation during lockdown.

Set up in 2016, the Remakery normally takes in furniture and IT equipment for repair, which it both donates to those in need and sells in its shop on Leith Walk. The organisation also runs workshops to teach repair skills.

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The shop was closed when the city went into lockdown, and half the Remakery’s employees were placed on furlough.

But the three remaining continued work to secure funding for the repair of IT equipment which could help those in the city struggling with isolation during lockdown.

In June the shop on Leith Walk re-opened for donations in a limited capacity.

The Remakery is asking for second-hand laptops with Windows 7 or newer systems, tablets, and iPads.

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Donations will only be accepted between 12pm and 2pm Monday-Thursday, and people are asked to keep to the 2-metre distant tape markings on the pavement.

All donated equipment will be quarantined for 72 hours before being passed on.

Managing Director Elaine Brown said the pandemic had exacerbated existing issues in the community.

“We always knew there was a need for us, we always knew there was digital isolation, but really Covid has intensified that and magnified the need,” she said.

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“We’re dealing with people who need the equipment for wellbeing needs, because of isolation, and also the impact of families trying to homeschool children. These issues were probably always there, but Covid has definitely increased the need.”

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