Drunk tried to film teen girls on train

The incident took place on a trainThe incident took place on a train
The incident took place on a train
A DRUNKEN reveller showed 'breathtaking stupidity' when he tried to film two teenage girls on a late-night train.

Christopher Hollywood, 24, sat directly opposite the 17-year-olds and aimed his mobile phone camera at the bottom half of their bodies, a court heard.

The stunt made the two young woman “uncomfortable” and they covered their faces with their hands in embarrassment.

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The whole incident on a midnight train from Edinburgh to Livingston was caught on CCTV, Livingston Sheriff Court heard.

Hollywood, of Meikle Inch Lane, Bathgate, pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by repeatedly attempting to take photographs of the girls’ lower bodies.

He admitted committing the offence during a train journey between Edinburgh and Livingston on October 24 last year.

Daryll Lovie, defending, claimed Hollywood was guilty of “drunken tomfoolery” and “stupidity”. Sheriff Celia Sanderson deferred sentence for a year for Hollywood to stay out of trouble.