Edinburgh pervert caught with vile bestiality images

Vile: Korin McPhail was caught with sickening imagesVile: Korin McPhail was caught with sickening images
Vile: Korin McPhail was caught with sickening images
AN Edinburgh man who was caught with thousands of vile bestiality images featuring adults having sex with snakes and pigs has been jailed and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

Korin McPhail, 45, was also found to have downloaded horrific pictures and movies of adults engaged in sexual activity with horses and dogs when police raided his flat in December last year.

The pervert was bailed but offended for a second time when he was caught with more than 2000 disturbing images following another police raid on the property in June this year.

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McPhail admitted three charges when he appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last month including possessing extreme pornographic images, breaching a sexual prevention order and bail conditions.

Prosecutor Heather Carmichael told the court McPhail was on a Sexual Offenders Prevention Order (SOPO) for a previous offence when during a routine check police found he had deleted pornographic images from a Lynx tablet.

An Xbox was also looked at and the officers found “videos of a female engaging in sexual activity with animals” hidden within an app on the games console.

More devices were seized from the property and a total of 286 images of extreme pornography were discovered including “adults engaged in sexual activity with animals including dogs, horses, snakes and pigs”.

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Ms Carmichael added a further 13 movies of a similar nature were also found downloaded to an SD card.

Police then raided his home in the Oxgangs area of the city for a second time on June 6 this year and discovered a further 2317 extreme pornographic images stored on the hard drive of a Play Station console.

Solicitor Steven Donald, defending, said his client had been diagnosed as having “a schizoid personality disorder” and he has a “failure to regulate his actions and relationships with other people”.

Mr Donald added: ‘When his head in a good place these types of offences don’t happen.

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“But he effectively self-medicates by downloading these images but he knows he shouldn’t do that and he knows he needs help.”

The lawyer added McPhail had been working full time up to his offending as well as volunteering at Social Bite.

McPhail returned to the dock for sentencing where Sheriff Alistair Noble said: “You appear before me as someone with a significant history of prior offending.

“Given your repeat offending, and also what is in the social work report, this a case where the criteria of an extended sentence is satisfied.”

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The sheriff handed McPhail an extended sentence where he was caged for 20 months and will be monitored for a further three years upon his release.

McPhail was also placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for an indefinite period after admitting possessing extreme pornographic images depicting sexual contact between adults and animals between December 9 last year and June 17 this year.

He also admitted to breaching a SOPO by deleting internet history without permission.

He also pled guilty to breaching bail conditions by possessing internet capable devices when banned from doing so between December 10 last year and June 16 this year.

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McPhail was previously jailed for seven years in 1997 for indecently assaulting a 71-year-old woman and attacking a 17-year-old woman with the intention of raping her on two separate occasions in Kirkcaldy.

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