IT boss filmed himself raping woman as she slept at his Ravelston flat

Mickels admitted to rape at Glasgow High Court.Mickels admitted to rape at Glasgow High Court.
Mickels admitted to rape at Glasgow High Court.
A WEALTHY IT boss filmed himself raping a woman '“ after dressing her in different underwear as she slept.

Adrian Mickels regularly preyed on the woman including at his £1m home in Edinburgh’s affluent Ravelston area.

A judge heard how the victim was later “disgusted” after discovering on Mickel’s laptop footage of him having sex with her.

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Police were alerted after the traumatised woman confessed to a friend what happened.

Mickels now faces a lengthy sentence after he pled guilty to a rape charge at Glasgow High Court.

The 43 year-old – who now lives in Surrey – was remanded in custody pending sentencing next month.

The attacks occurred between 2011 and 2016.

As well as the house in Ravelston, Mickels also stayed at a flat in the capital’s New Town.

He latterly worked as an IT business manager.

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The woman was often in the company of Mickels during that time.

The crimes emerged after the victim told a friend in April last year that Mickels had raped her.

This sparked a probe and the woman went on to tell police she had been the victim of “numerous” attacks.

She recalled waking up to find Mickels having sex with her around 10 times.

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Prosecutor Owen Mullan said she did not feel “comfortable” confronting Mickels at the time.

The woman then told officers of finding “intimate” photos of her on Mickels’ laptop – which included her wearing stocking and suspenders.

Mr Mullan went on: “She was confused by this as she had never worn the underwear in the picture.

“She realised she had been asleep and Mickels had dressed her up then taken photos of her.”

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The women then viewed a clip of the predator having sex with as she slept in the same underwear.

The advocate depute: “She was disgusted by this and closed down the computer. She did not tell anyone what she had seen.”

It was only later she confronted Mickels, who told her: “It is better looking at you than porn.”

The court heard the stunned woman “struggled” to take in his “lack of remorse”.

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Mr Mullan said around 40 video files were found showing “a range of conduct”.

Footage had been recorded from a “fixed camera position” as well as from a “hand held device”.

Lord Matthews deferred sentencing for reports.