Revealed: The smirking woman who filmed her husband raping a schoolgirl in Dalkeith

Smiling monster: Mary McCann filmed her husband raping a childSmiling monster: Mary McCann filmed her husband raping a child
Smiling monster: Mary McCann filmed her husband raping a child
This is the face of a paedophile woman who took her own life to avoid justice after filming her husband repeatedly raping a schoolgirl.

Evil Mary McCann was due to stand trial with husband Damien after both preyed on the victim – who was as young as ten at the time of her ordeal.

A judge heard McCann "encouraged" her sick husband's attacks - which only ended when police swooped after a tip-off.

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Despite being arrested and charged, Damien McCann, 35, claimed the girl was "happy" during the attacks.

Jailed: Paedophile Damien McCannJailed: Paedophile Damien McCann
Jailed: Paedophile Damien McCann

He has been jailed for 10 and a half years after admitting raping the girl between May 2016 and January 2019 at a house in Dalkeith, Midlothian.

Mary McCann, 39, also faced the accusations but she killed herself in January 2020 before she could face justice and a lengthy prison stretch, the High Court in Glasgow was told at a previous hearing.

Police raided the couple's home initially in connection with an indecent images probe.

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A mobile phone and laptop were seized and McCann admitted that he used the "dark web" to look up "extreme pornography". However, officers went on to uncover footage of the horrific abuse of the girl and Mc- Cann was identified due to his "distinctive tattoos".

Prosecutor Angela Gray said: "A female voice - identified as Mary McCann - can be heard encouraging him."

Detectives went on to find a total of 20 vile clips of McCann raping the girl with the "majority" filmed by his wife.

Damien McCann confessed to the abuse when quizzed by police.

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Miss Gray added: "He confirmed that he and his wife shared the videos with each other via WhatsApp and that they would watch together for sexual gratification.

"Damien McCann confirmed that he is sexually attracted to the girl. He described her as looking 'happy' when he raped her."

It also emerged Damien McCann had sexually assaulted another young child including when she was sleeping.

He also pled guilty to that as well as admitting the possession and distribution of indecent images. McCann further admitted having more than 200 video clips and photos of what was described as "extreme pornography". He returned to court to face justice and a judge told him: "Child rape is always an extremely serious offence and here I consider there are factors which rendered your conduct even worse."

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During a sentencing hearing at the High Court in Edinburgh, Lady Scott said: "It is difficult to envisage the degree of damage you have caused to your victim.

"For your ongoing sexual gratification you videoed these rapes and sexual abuse. Over 20 recordings of these videos were recovered. The videos are planned and graphic."

The judge pointed out that McCann had gone on to create musical soundtracks and added titles to recordings and shared images with his wife. Lady Scott told McCann that he would have faced a 14-year jail sentence but for his guilty pleas.

The judge also ordered that he be kept under supervision for a further three year period and warned that if he breached licence conditions during it he can be recalled to prison.

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He was placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for an indefinite period.

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