Edinburgh pub chain crowned one of the best companies in UK

Broadway Park based Star Pubs & Bars, which has just won a pub industry Oscar.Broadway Park based Star Pubs & Bars, which has just won a pub industry Oscar.
Broadway Park based Star Pubs & Bars, which has just won a pub industry Oscar.
Edinburgh based pub company, Star Pubs & Bars, has been crowned one of the best pub companies in the UK.

The Heineken owned company, whose venues in the Edinburgh area include award winning sites such as the Jolly Botanist in Morrison Street and The Barrelhouse Bar and Grill in Willowbrae as well and the Kilderkin on the Royal Mile, won the best large tenanted and leased business award at the Publican Awards – the industry’s equivalent of the Oscars.

Collecting the prestigious prize from comedian Rob Brydon, Chris Moore, Property and Strategy Director, said: “This award is a real accolade from industry peers who understand the pub business and what goes into creating great pubs. It’s recognition of the great partnership we have with our licensees.

“For the work we’re doing every day to support them and for the thousands of licensees we work with who run fantastic pubs at the heart of their communities. It’s a testament to their hard work.”