M8 body confirmed as missing man Matthew Elmer

Matthew ElmerMatthew Elmer
Matthew Elmer
A BODY found near the M8 in Livingston has been confirmed as missing man Matthew Elmer.

The 23-year-old was last seen leaving his mum’s home in the West Lothian town at 6pm on Saturday, February 13.

Police discovered a body off the A899 road near the M8 slipway at 2.30pm on Tuesday.

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His death is believed to be non-suspicious, and a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Matthew’s family issued a statement through Police Scotland.

It read: “As a family, we wish to thank the local community and communities further afield for their efforts in tracing Matthew.

“We especially wish to thank Matthew’s friends and relatives for all their support and their efforts to find him.

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“We would also like to thank Police Scotland for their ongoing support since Matthews’s disappearance.

“Our family now need time to come to terms with what has happened to Matthew, and ask for privacy so that we may grieve.”

Chief Inspector Stevie Dolan, West Lothian Area Commander, said: “Our condolences are with Matthew’s family and friends at this very difficult time. We will continue to provide them with all the necessary support and assistance that they require.

“I want to thank the local community for all their efforts during our extensive search operation to trace Matthew.

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“While Matthew’s death is non-suspicious, we’re still working to establish the full circumstances surrounding his disappearance and we’d urge anyone who believes that they may have seen him since 13 February, or has information about his movements during this time, to get in touch.”