Nominate your Local Hero to show your appreciation

Terri Smith
Inspirational Young Adult
Local Hero Awards 2016Terri Smith
Inspirational Young Adult
Local Hero Awards 2016
Terri Smith Inspirational Young Adult Local Hero Awards 2016
It's the perfect way to honour someone who has stood up for a worthwhile cause or shown exceptional drive and determination in the face of adversity.

Perhaps they’ve acted selflessly and shown great bravery in a situation or achieved something they thought they never would.

Now is your chance to nominate someone for a coveted accolade at our Local Hero Awards 2017.

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This week we are encouraging our readers to nominate unsung heroes for the Sporting Achievement and Inspirational Young Adult categories.

Last year, Terri Smith from Leith scooped the Inspirational Young Adult award – which is being sponsored by Four Square – at the glittering ceremony.

The 22-year-old, who spends hours of her time volunteering in her community, inspired other individuals to do the same.

Terri was described as “going above and beyond” to help vulnerable people in Edinburgh – despite battling her own health problems.

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Today, she told how the prize had helped her over the past year.

She said: “Winning the award last year played a significant park in shaping the last 12 months of my life.

“It gave me the confidence to realise my potential and it showed me that helping others is something we should all aspire to be doing.

“I would encourage others to nominate an inspirational young adult this year to show them that our city recognises the unsung achievements that they make. You never know, it might just change someone’s outlook on life.”

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The event, sponsored by Farmer Autocare, will take place on Friday, May 12 at the Assembly Rooms on George Street.

More than 300 guests will gather to watch the ceremony, hosted by Radio Forth’s Arlene Stuart, and a selection of entertainment acts will be performing on stage, including X Factor star Caitlyn Vanbeck and the Edinburgh Dance Academy.

Readers are being invited to nominate their unsung heroes across 13 different categories – all of which are listed below.

If you think you know someone that is worthy of an accolade them, nominate them and they could be in with a chance of winning.

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Nominations can be made online at or by filling out the nomination slip in today’s paper.

The closing date for all entries is Monday, April 10.

A spokesman for Four Square said: “We have been working with young, vulnerable adults on a day-to-day basis in Edinburgh for over 40 years.

“Unfortunately young adults often have a bad reputation when they are simply down on their luck but when given the right support and guidance they can strive to succeed in life. We are proud to sponsor the Inspirational Young Adult award.”

To buy ticket, visit

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