Fiona Duff: Lauren's work deserves a really close look

Lauren Bowman with magnifying glass in hand. Picture: Neil HannaLauren Bowman with magnifying glass in hand. Picture: Neil Hanna
Lauren Bowman with magnifying glass in hand. Picture: Neil Hanna
Sometimes you go somewhere with something quite specific in mind and then one's eye is diverted elsewhere. You know what I mean '“ like popping into a cafe to get a cup of coffee and then, having looked at the menu, decided that what you really want is a hot chocolate. Perhaps even with some marshmallows on top.

So yesterday I went to The Scottish Gallery on Dundas Street, having been lured by the promise of work by landscape artist Frances MacDonald. I was equally intrigued to see the ceramic work by Roger Law, a man better known for creating that iconic satirical TV show, Spitting Image – oddly enough I knew him years ago in a different life in a different city.

And indeed the work of both is quite brilliant – Frances’ paintings of the west coast and islands caught the beautiful bleakness of that area. Roger’s plates and pots were lovely and showed genuine craftsmanship, much of which he learnt in a Chinese porcelain factory.

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However, in a little room in the back were the most pretty and funny paintings from a young artist called Lauren Bowman who studied at Edinburgh College of Art.

They are so intricate that there is a magnifying glass beside each one and the prices do not reflect the amount of time it must take to produce them.

If I was to invest in art, I’d have snapped up a couple there and then as surely it can’t be long until someone famous starts collecting her work. However, sadly I was only looking, what with me not having a couple of grand sloshing about in the bottom of my handbag. But remember me if you take my advice and end up with some rather valuable art on your walls.

In the meantime I do have a few coins in my pocket so I shall console myself with a cappuccino, or maybe a hot chocolate.