Council to consult Edinburgh residents on making Spaces for People permanent - your views

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Council to consult Edinburgh residents on making Spaces for People permanent

Steven Oliver

Well, well, well. For "consultation", read "done deal". Did anyone ever think that these schemes would only be temporary? Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Scott Robertson

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They were hardly going to pump all that money into it to make it temporary, surely?

Linda Stewart

They should consult, but they won't pay a blind bit of attention. Purely lip service.

Ian Vandepeear

Used their mini snow ploughs on Comiston Road today on the cycle lanes for the non-existent cyclists, but not the pavements nor the side streets! Found to be illegal in London!

Stuart Young

Well, you can’t just take £7 million of public money and make it disappear, eh? It will take a million more to sort out the mess.

Jason P Scott

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What about the businesses that this is affecting, especially cafes and takeaways whose customers can’t park and run inside for their order. The council will do what the council want to do and to hell with what the rest of us think.

Kevin Bulloch

I particularly like the cycle Lane they love added on Willowbrae Road but then put parking bays running parallel, meaning cars are parked almost in middle of the road! This is after putting them down last month then realising how stupid, lifting them only to reappear this week! It’s an accident waiting to happen.


Following claims that the UK Government are considering providing funds for anyone forced to self-isolate, Nicola Sturgeon has said 'would welcome' extra funding.

Fiona McLellan

But they cannot pay health workers a decent pay rise when they put their lives on the line everyday and now someone can catch it on purpose to get paid? Something far wrong here.

June Spence

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Paying people to isolate – are you mad? They should be charged if they don't. If you’ve got money to give away, pay hospital staff more, they are the more at risk than anyone.

C Marie Smart

No one should be out of pocket for following the rules and self isolating. If your work doesn’t pay you then you should be reimbursed for any money lost.

Sheila Connolly

No, and remember when this is over, tax payers will have to pay it back.

Ali Renwick

Why should you get paid? It’s irresponsible of the government to even consider it. You will have people deliberately trying to catch it just to cash in. Then you'll have the non believers in Covid who will suddenly believe in it when they want £500.

Gillian Hazelwood

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Absolute nonsense! What is deterring people from not taking care to avoid or spread this if people who catch it then get paid £500?

Helen Banham

Only if the recipients are in really dire straits.

Lioslaith Rose

Shielders have been self-isolating since March.

Keith O’Flaherty

No, because then everyone will claim to be self-isolating just to get money.

Schroeder Hls

We do in Canada...wage guarantee. But you will be taxed on it as income.

Cath Crawford

No, but there should be something and not only for people claiming benefits. Personally I think £500 is way too high.

Lorraine Blyth

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Not unless they have a test, or you’ll have half the chancers self-isolating to claim the cash!

Ayela Shmit

Should just be wages for the days you're missing from work... for example if someones only losing out on £150 why should they get £500?

Also, should be for anyone working, not just those who also claim benefits, as benefits top them up, so it’s those working with no benefits that lose out.

Isabel Mungall

Could be badly abused.

James Gillan

No, but fine them £500 if they get caught out.

Justin Harris

Paying people to get the virus, what could possibly go wrong with this genius idea?

Adam Drape

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if you are working and can’t go to work, then yes you should be reimbursed.

Lorraine Bell

No, but I think healthcare workers who get or had Covid should get it, because £98 a week sick pay not going to pay their bills.

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