Edinburgh's new Sick Kids hospital: Payments to private consortium go up - your views

"If it was not up to standard, then no payments at all should have been made to the consortium”

Sick Kids

Payments to the private consortium responsible for Edinburgh’s much-delayed new Sick Kids hospital are to increase, despite the fact the building is still not fully operational

Ian Mountford

This is so, so sad. Mismanagement from the top.

Derek Patterson

If it was not up to standard, then no payments at all should have been made to the consortium until it was certified as being fit for purpose by an independent assessor!

Jonny Lumsden

Another letdown costing us millions.

Billy M Mclaughlan

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Everyone involved should be sacked and fined. Everyone of them is an absolute disgrace, like with the trams and the parliament and the repair system.

Alan Paterson

So, £50m just thrown down the tubes? Have you ever seen a city/ country that wastes so much money? Beggars belief- and no-one held accountable. These clowns wouldn't last two minutes in private industry.Disgraceful.

Scott Alexander

Sue the construction company instead of paying more money to fix it.

Daniel Cranmer

Par for the course with everything now. I’m surprised at the surprise. There will no doubt be an inquiry into it costing more - £12 million and counting on the inquiry for overspending on the trams- it’s unbelievable.

Marlene Heriott

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If it was the builders’ fault they should rectify the problem without any more costs to the public!

John Smith

It’s the same old story, nothing gets done correctly or on time or on budget. How can these people get away with all this incompetence and no one takes them to task for anything? Scotland is becoming embarrassing now., but they just don’t care anymore.

Lioslaith Rose

This is why we won't get independence - no one trusts a government that doesn’t bring projects in on time or on budget, or even close to it.

Robert Howlieson

No wonder there is no money for the Eye Pavilion.

Stephen Flynn