Appeal to reunite owner with gold watch found opposite Musselburgh Police Station

The gold watch. Pic: Police ScotlandThe gold watch. Pic: Police Scotland
The gold watch. Pic: Police Scotland
Police in East Lothian are appealing to the public for help to trace the owner of a gold hand-wound watch found opposite Musselburgh Police Station.

The watch has an inscription on the back which reads: "Presented to W.Moneypenny by Hall and Pickles as an appreciation of 25 years continuous service, 1925-1950."

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It was handed in to police on September 5th.

A statement released by the police says: "We would like to reunite this watch with the owner and urge anyone who may have knowledge of this watch or know who the owner is to contact us and quote incident number 1385 of 06th of September 2019."