Thirty-nine candidates to stand in Midlothian Council elections

Stock photo of election county. Photo by Lisa Ferguson.Stock photo of election county. Photo by Lisa Ferguson.
Stock photo of election county. Photo by Lisa Ferguson.
Thirty-nine candidates are standing in the election on Thursday, May 5 to appoint 18 members to Midlothian Council.

Midlothian has six multi-member wards, each represented by three councillors.

Councillors are elected by you, the local community, and are responsible for making decisions on your behalf about local services such as roads and schools.

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If you are 16 and over and living in Scotland you can vote, regardless of where you were born. However, you must be registered to vote by Monday, April 18 to vote in this council election.

You can find the full list of candidates in the Notice of Poll on the council website at

The website also gives details of how to register to vote and the deadlines for applying for a postal or proxy vote. A proxy vote is when someone you trust votes on your behalf.

Returning Officer Dr Grace Vickers said: “If you are planning to vote remember you need to be registered so please check.

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“Appropriate Covid protection measures at the time will be in place to keep everyone as safe as possible when casting their vote.”

The Single Transferable Vote (STV) system is in place for the Local Government Election. Voters must rank candidates in order of preference using numbers eg 1, 2, 3. You can vote for as many or as few candidates as you wish.

The website has further details of how to mark your ballot paper.

The votes will be counted and the results announced on Friday, May. 6