Police Scotland probe new Lord Janner sex claims

File photo from 1996 of Lord Janner. Police in Scotland are reportedly investigating a historic complaint against the peer. Picture: PAFile photo from 1996 of Lord Janner. Police in Scotland are reportedly investigating a historic complaint against the peer. Picture: PA
File photo from 1996 of Lord Janner. Police in Scotland are reportedly investigating a historic complaint against the peer. Picture: PA
POLICE in Scotland are reportedly investigating a historic complaint against Labour peer Lord Janner, made at an Edinburgh police station in 1991.

The investigation relates to claims that Lord Janner took a boy north of the border in the 1970s and sexually assaulted him, the Daily Mail reported.

Asked whether a new investigation had been launched into the 86-year-old, Police Scotland, while not confirming a name, said officers are carrying out a probe into a historic complaint.

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Detective Chief Superintendent Lesley Boal said: “Police Scotland is conducting an investigation into an historic complaint and, as such, it would be inappropriate to comment.

“Police Scotland is absolutely committed to preventing all forms of child abuse and to keeping children safe while bringing perpetrators of abuse to justice, regardless of the passage of time.”

Last month the Crown Prosecution Service, covering England and Wales, said it would review its decision not to charge Lord Janner over allegations of historic child sex abuse.

Lord Janner was accused of a string of allegations during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s but was deemed unfit to stand trial because he is suffering from dementia.

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Justice Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge leading an independent inquiry into child sex abuse, also said she would investigate claims against Lord Janner, and could even call him to give evidence.

Lord Janner has denied the previous allegations against him.