Edinburgh West MP claims pensioners have been left out in the cold due to broken triple lock promise

Pic Lisa Ferguson. Liberal Democrats' Christine Jardine.Pic Lisa Ferguson. Liberal Democrats' Christine Jardine.
Pic Lisa Ferguson. Liberal Democrats' Christine Jardine.
The Liberal Democrats have accused the Conservatives of leaving pensioners in Edinburgh West with a “hole in their pocket” after breaking a manifesto promise to protect the state pension.

In the wake of inflation hitting a 30 year high of 5.5 per cent in January, a typical pensioner in Edinburgh West is set to see their income fall by £171.60 this year in real terms. This, says Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson and MP for Edinburgh West, Christine Jardine, is due to the Conservative Government’s decision to break a key manifesto promise and scrap the triple lock on pensions. However, the Scottish Conservatives insist that this is a temporary measure.

Ms Jardine said: “These figures expose a black hole in the Government’s cost of living package for pensioners.

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“In breaking their manifesto promise and failing to protect the state pension, the Conservatives have plunged older people in Edinburgh West into the depths of a cost of living crisis. Their paltry support doesn’t even begin to cover the additional costs people are facing during this cold and bitter winter.

“Pensioners are among the most vulnerable people in Edinburgh West. This out of touch Government has left them out in the cold, with a hole in their pocket and even harsher days ahead.

“It’s high time the Government showed some common sense and ensured a fair increase to the state pension. But we also need to see something much more ambitious to help pensioners in Edinburgh West. Doubling the Warm Home Discount and Winter Fuel Allowance, funded through a Robin Hood tax on the super-profits of oil and gas giants, would be a good place to start.”

A Scottish Conservative spokesman said: “The UK Government have made it clear that this is a temporary measure due to the current exceptional circumstances.

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“This will be for this year only and the triple lock is categorically not ending. They will continue to ensure pensioners spending power is protected.

“Rishi Sunak has stepped up and provided further extra funding to the Scottish Government, which thankfully they saw fit to pass on in the form of council tax rebates.

“Everyone must continue to work together to support people through this extraordinary cost-of-living crisis."