Greens' choice in Livingston is Scotland's youngest candidate

Cameron Glasgow turned 19 on WednesdayCameron Glasgow turned 19 on Wednesday
Cameron Glasgow turned 19 on Wednesday
Cameron Glasgow, 19, got involved in politics through his concerned about the climate crisis

SCOTLAND'S youngest candidate in next month's general election is standing for the Greens in Livingston.

Cameron Glasgow, who turned 19 on Wednesday, is described by the party as a rising star after getting involved in politics through his concern about the climate crisis, taking part in climate strikes and Extinction Rebellion protests.

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He argues that despite the focus on Brexit and independence, the biggest issue is really the threat to the future of the planet.

"Climate change is more important than independence or Brexit because no matter what happens about those two rather important issues, climate chaneg is going to happen anyway and we need to take it seriously."

Born and brought up in Livingston, Cameron went to James Young High School and then West Lothian College. He currently has two jobs, working as barman and a waiter in two different venues in Livingston.

"I really started getting into politics in 2014 at the referendum. I was 13 at the time, a bit off voting but it was the hot topic at school. I started looking into it, watching the news and from there I developed a passion for the climate. I had been interested at primary school in sciences but I was never very good at it, so my way into it now was fighting for it. Climate change has been a thing for longer than my life, but they've done done nothing about it."

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He joined Greenpeace and took part in anti-nuclear protests, then joined the Greens in 2017 with his first pay cheque and has been convener of West Lothian Greens since May.

Livingston is currently held by the SNP's Hannah Bardell who had a majority of 3878 at the last election.

Cameron admits he faces a big challenge on December 12. "It's a very slim chance we are going to win," he said. "But having a Green there gets other politicians talking about it."

And he believes being Scotland's youngest candidate will encourage other young people to take an interest.

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"I've seen in my friend groups people are now talking about politics because I'm standing. I've seen more young people get involved in politics."

The law was changed in 2006, lowering the minimum age for general election candidates from 21 to 18. The SNP's Mhairi Black became the youngest MP elected to the House of Commons since at least the Reform Act of 1832 when she won Paisley and Renfrewshire South in 2017, at the age of 20 years and 237 days.