Holyrood 2016: Lothian list MSPs in full

The Lothians list MSPs:

L-R Andy Wightman (Greens) Neil Findlay (Lab) Gordon Lindhurst (Con)  Kezia Dugdale (Lab) Alison Johnstone (Greens) and Miles Briggs (Con). 

The 7th List MSP, Jeremy Balfour was ill so therefore didn't attend the count.

 Picture: Neil HannaThe Lothians list MSPs:

L-R Andy Wightman (Greens) Neil Findlay (Lab) Gordon Lindhurst (Con)  Kezia Dugdale (Lab) Alison Johnstone (Greens) and Miles Briggs (Con). 

The 7th List MSP, Jeremy Balfour was ill so therefore didn't attend the count.

 Picture: Neil Hanna
The Lothians list MSPs: L-R Andy Wightman (Greens) Neil Findlay (Lab) Gordon Lindhurst (Con) Kezia Dugdale (Lab) Alison Johnstone (Greens) and Miles Briggs (Con). The 7th List MSP, Jeremy Balfour was ill so therefore didn't attend the count. Picture: Neil Hanna
THE Tories emerged as the biggest winners on the Lothian list, managing to get three top-up MSPs in addition to leader Ruth Davidson's victory in Edinburgh Central.

Polticial adviser Miles Briggs was elected along with lawyer Gordon Lindhurst and city councillor Jeremy Balfour.

Labour only got two seats from the list after Daniel Johnson won the Edinburgh Southern constituency. It means leader Kezia Dugdale and leading left-winger Neil Findlay are both back, but Sarah Boyack - who was number three - is now out of the Scottish Parliament.

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But the Greens also won two, getting land reform campaigner Andy Wightman elected along with Alison Johnstone.

After losing three seats in the constituency battles in Edinburgh, the SNP had hoped to be compensated with a seat on the list, but it was not to be.

Mr Briggs hailed an “outstanding victory” for the Conservatives.

He said: “The people of Scotland want to turn the page on the constitutional argument that has divided our country.

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“The Scottish Conservatives have been waiting for this resurgence for a long time. I believe this is only the start of something big.”

Ms Johnstone said the Greens would carry through their manifesto call for a “bolder” Scotland.

“We will ensure the Scottish Government puts a ban on fracking, we will ensure teh Scottish Government makes rents affordable and we will force them to develop a transport system fit for the 21st century and an energy policy to match.”

Ms Dugdale said this election was always going to be difficult for Labour coming a year after a general election defeat.

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“I promise Labour will be an effective but positive opposition for the coming years. We will fight to ensure the parliament uses its new powers and fulfils its potential.”

At the 2011 election, Labour had three list seats, the Tories two, Greens one and the late Independent MSP Margo MacDonald was also elected via the list.


Miles Briggs (Con)

Alison Johnstone (Green)

Kezia Dugdale (Lab)

Gordon Lindhurst (Con)

Neil Findlay (Lab)

Jeremy Balfour (Con)

Andy Wightman (Green)