Social worker may be struck off over ‘blunders’

A social worker faces being struck off for allegedly leaving families without professional care for weeks at a time. Picture: TSPLA social worker faces being struck off for allegedly leaving families without professional care for weeks at a time. Picture: TSPL
A social worker faces being struck off for allegedly leaving families without professional care for weeks at a time. Picture: TSPL
A SOCIAL worker in the Capital was sacked and faces being struck off after a catalogue of alleged blunders left vulnerable families without professional care for weeks at a time.

Una Young, a former employee of the city council, has been accused of failing to visit one family, resulting in no social work taking place over a four-month period.

In another instance, she allegedly failed to ensure weekly contact for nearly two months with the family of a child who was on the protection register.

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She stands accused of breaches involving three families and four children, and could be removed from the professional register of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) following a conduct hearing due next week.

The incidents are alleged to have taken place between June 2011 and January 2012.

As well as accusations Ms Young did not complete crucial records, reports and assessments, it has been claimed she failed to adhere to conditions of care for two children in allowing their father unsupervised contact within the family home.

Political figures in the Capital have expressed concern.

Councillor Rob Aldridge, Liberal Democrat member for Drum Brae and Gyle, who sits on the city’s education, children and families committee, said: “Obviously, this hearing has got to go through its process and I would not comment on the individual case. But I think the issues it raises show just how crucial the job of a social worker is and how important it is they do it right.

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“Whatever happens at the hearing, I hope we will be double-checking to ensure that systems are in place in Edinburgh to ensure that the kind of failings which have been alleged cannot be repeated.”

City officials confirmed Ms Young was no longer working for the council. A spokesman said: “It would be inappropriate to comment on personnel matters.”

Ms Young declined to comment when contacted yesterday.

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