Revealed: The most annoying commuter habits

Commuters have revealed their biggest commuting gripes.Commuters have revealed their biggest commuting gripes.
Commuters have revealed their biggest commuting gripes.
More than 3.7 million people across Britain commute for more than 2 hours each day.

While most journeys are painless, a survey has been carried out to find the most annoying habits that frustrates commuters during their journey.

OSV asked 600 commuters what irritated them the most.

The research found that public transport commuters are most annoyed by habits of their fellow commuters, while those using a car were most annoyed with people’s driving skills.

Public Transport woes

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One of the biggest gripes that those using public transport faced was passengers pushing in front and not letting people off first.

30 per cent of all users said that pushing on without letting people off was their biggest hate, with 18 per cent stating that their biggest bugbear was littering on public transport.

17 per cent of public transport commuters despised passengers that play loud music and 15 per cent are angered by those passengers that cough and sneeze without covering their mouth.

Some also criticised striking up small talk and people that eat smelly food.

Car Commuter Pet Peeves

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27.8 per cent of drivers admit that those people that use their phone whilst behind the wheel are the most annoying.

Phone users were closely followed by being stuck in traffic, with 27.2 per cent explaining that this was the most frustrating element of their commute.

14.7 per cent of people detest other drivers that forget to indicate and 13 per cent of car commuters dislike fellow drivers that drive below the speed limit.

Other annoying habits include those drivers that hog the middle lane, harsh brakers, tailgaters and sharing the roads with tractors and buses.

To see the full the list of commuter pet peeves, check out the infographic from OSV here.

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