Michelle Thomson referred to parliament watchdog

Michelle Thomson has been referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. Picture: Steven Scott TaylorMichelle Thomson has been referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. Picture: Steven Scott Taylor
Michelle Thomson has been referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. Picture: Steven Scott Taylor
MICHELLE Thomson, the SNP MP at the centre of allegations over property deals, has been referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

It is understood that Tory backbench MP Andrew Bridgen has written to the Commons watchdog about Ms Thomson, who was elected to represent the Edinburgh West seat in May’s general election, defeating Liberal Democrat incumbent Mike Crockart.

Mr Bridgen has asked the watchdog to examine whether the MP’s Code of Conduct has been breached.

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Ms Thomson resigned the party whip in the House of Commons when allegations broke but strenuously denies any wrongdoing.

Mr Bridgen, who is MP for North West Leicestershire, wrote to the Kathryn Hudson - parliamentary commissioner for standards at Westminster - asking her to look into the allegations surrounding former Business for Scotland chief Ms Thomson.

Mr Bridgen said: “This case raises serious questions regarding the professional integrity required from a prominent public servant.

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“I therefore urge the Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to conduict a full investigation into Ms Thomson and the associated property transactions that have given cause for concern.”

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The standards watchdog is currently investigating former Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael over the leaking of a false account of a conversation between First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the French ambassador.

There are three potential outcomes from the watchdog’s probe: A lack of evidence that the code has been breached; a minor breach leading to ‘rectification’ or a serious breach which can lead to suspension or expulsion from the Commons.

Scotland’s Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland told MSPs at Holyrood that Ms Thomson was not under investigation personally but that the police probe into the 13 property deals could be widened.

Mr Mulholland added: “I have complete faith [in Police Scotland], that they will act and do the right thing.”

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The investigation is centred around solicitor Chris Hales, who was struck off by the Law Society of Scotland for professional misconduct, in connection with alleged irregularities surrounding the 13 property deals.

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