New bothy at Rossynlee Fishery provides anglers with the perfect winter welcome

The new bothy at Rossynlee FisheryThe new bothy at Rossynlee Fishery
The new bothy at Rossynlee Fishery
PLus: £1,000 prize awaits the angler landing the heaviest cod at the St Serfs SAC 22nd Christmas on Sunday

Tom Russell and his father, also Tom, sat on a comfortable, grey couch with a panoramic view of the water at popular Rosslynlee fishery.

As they chatted the slate grey sky slowly gave way to warming, winter sunshine and the biting east wind eased.

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There was soon a pleasing ripple on the top of the water making conditions almost ideal for winter fishing.

John Dewar, the fishery manager, made them a thirst-quenching cuppa as father and son from Earlston in the Borders discussed tactics. The roaring, log-burning stove provided a pleasant heat in the spacious new lodge which includes a reception area. Therein lies a small shop providing snack foods, including pies, and chocolate as well as some fishing tackle and flies.

There is also ample room in the brightly-lit cabin for four tables and chairs so anglers can enjoy snacks and their own sandwiches.

The new addition is yards from the spacious car park and has been well-received by regulars who will soon be able to use a nearby, new toilet and shower block with facilities for men and women and disabled anglers.

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And the work is part of a plan to improve Rosslynlee near Penicuik which enjoys support from a loyal band of regulars.

Included in them are 12 men who are currently engaged in a twice-monthly winter league where competition is keen. The next round is on Sunday (December 8) and Jamie McLeary from Mayfield leads the title race. His best of the season so far is 10lb 2oz.

A close second is Brian Shackleton from Lauder and his best – a 13lb trout – was landed in the previous round.

And third is George Armour from Woodburn.

Rosslynlee, like other Lothians fisheries, is suffering highs and lows so far this winter and so much depends on the weather.

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Buzzers have, however, tempted hard-fighting trout along with egg patterns fished around 4ft down on a bung.

The shallow end of the lake towards the entrance gate, and the point area, are the best areas lately and winter hours at the fishery have just kicked in. They are 8am to 4pm seven days a week.

Basic prices are £28 for an eight-hour stint killing four fish or a two-hour slot taking one fish for £16. An eight-hour catch-and-release ticket is £16 and a two-hour is £10. The

water is regularly stocked.

Meanwhile, a £1,000 prize awaits the angler landing the heaviest cod at the St Serfs SAC 22nd Christmas event on Sunday, December 8.

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Boundaries are Elie to St Andrews and registration is on the day at Anstruther Golf Club from 9am to 11.30am with fishing from noon to 6pm. Weigh-in is 6pm to 7pm and entry is £15 with seniors and juniors £5.

Deals on Reels will be there for tackle and bait supplies and this is a Penn Sea League event with heaviest bag prizes to tenth place and heaviest fish prizes to fourth position.

All juniors receive a prize.

Elsewhere, Splash Sport Fishing Tackle and Bait host a Christmas Open on Sunday, December 15 at Ardrossan South Beach where registration is from 12.30 to 1.30 and fishing from 2pm to 8pm. No wading.

A two-hook match with catch and release and minimum hook side of 4 with a minimum fish size of 20cm and set sizes of common eel 30cm and conger eel 1mtr. It’s a £10 entry with an optional longest fish pool of £2 and the first prize is 50%, second 30% and third 20%. Contact Alex 07838 127781 or Ron 07890 230011