'Edinburgh has become a nightmare': Readers react to scathing new film about the Fringe

A new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PAA new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PA
A new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PA
A new short film made at this year’s Fringe as part of a campaign to ‘defend’ the city from gentrification, over-tourism and festivalisation describes the event as “a spectacular exercise of lies, hype and profiteering”.
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Citizen campaign reveals artist's new short film 'There's no Edinburgh in the Fe...

Evening News readers were quick to share their views on the current relationship between the Capital and the world's biggest arts festival.

"I live in Edinburgh and I absolutely love the Festival and all the cultures and events that take place in August. Most of us can’t really have a bad opinion when most of us do the exact same travelling abroad, especially in the likes of Spain where we go for hens and stags do’s, fiestas and carnivals." Dan Leake

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A new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PAA new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PA
A new film has been made in an effort to 'defend' the city from gentrification. Picture: PA

"If the roads were fixed, the bins were emptied and the streets were cleaned, then maybe the shortcomings of the Festival wouldn’t appear so stark. As it stands, Edinburgh and its residents have absolutely no discernible benefits from the year-round ‘Disney-fication’ of the city." Stuart Insh

"I’m Edinburgh-born and bred and I absolutely love the Fringe. I’d love it to last longer than a month!" Lorna Gow

"I live in Edinburgh and look forward to the Festival every year. Magnificent job, it’s great to see the city come alive with such vibrant colours and energy." Stephen McCrea

"Why not support the dozens of shows put on by Edinburgh groups? Show the transient visitors how to enjoy themselves!" Sally North

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"So true, but when have the residents’ opinions really mattered?" Elizabeth Youngs

"If you have shows to go to, it’s great, but if you are just trying to go about your daily business, it’s a nightmare. The Festival is a double-edged sword, no doubt about it." Barry Dickson

"Too true for many Edinburgh residents. My family avoid the Fringe and Festival - too busy with a child and too expensive." K Grace Rogerson

"He’s right, Edinburgh has become a nightmare. All these cheap Airbnbs everywhere, tourists wandering about in council estates with no idea where they are, holding up buses because they’ve no change. I’m in Restalrig, so I know. You can’t move in the city because the pavements are busy. Edinburgh is far too small to have all these people for three weeks, locals are not considered at all." Linda Graham

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"Well said! I would like to see accounts of where the Festival money goes and how it actually benefits Edinburgh resident council tax payers!" Kate Low

"Like the majority of things nowadays, it’s selling out its own identity to others identities. Globalism sure is a cancer’ Mark Roberts

"Edinburgh has nothing to do with Edinburgh people, except when it comes to footing the bill." John Whyte

"Great video. Edinburgh basically becomes a satellite of London for August. With the hooray Henrys coming up to “do the Festival and the Fringe”, usually funded by the bank of mum and dad! They don’t mind paying £6 for a pint of lager in a plastic cup either, as it’s probably still cheaper than London. It’s a cultural takeover of Edinburgh with no significant benefit for its residents." James Melvin

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"Too busy for me and no one bothers when they constantly bump into you. Roll on September, when it’s over." Jinty Robertson

"I equally love and hate it. Today I’m about to love it - whole day going to festival stuff. Last year I managed ten shows in one day, maybe we’ll top that today. Tomorrow I’ll go back to hating it!" Sandra Beattie

"He does make some good points. It would be interesting to see how much money actually goes back into the city." Matt Strong

"Again, someone bringing down our city for their own selfish ideals. The Festival and Fringe must stay Edinburgh’s." David Forfar

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"Yet '...with 72 per cent of residents believing festivals make the city a better place to live,' deluded council leader Adam McVey tells us." Colin Goldie

"He’s absolutely not wrong." John Holyer

"I can’t believe all this negativity." Sam Mogg