Cataracts: Ask your optician about this state-of-the art eye clinic in Edinburgh for lens and laser treatments

This cataract treatment will have you driving again in no timeThis cataract treatment will have you driving again in no time
This cataract treatment will have you driving again in no time
There can be many reasons we don’t want to have to wait a long time for cataract treatments

If driving is your job or an essential part of your life, for example, then a long waiting list could have a huge impact on you.

We often don’t notice the change in vision for a while, but once it’s become a problem treatment is simple and effective. If you’re a driver you can expect to be behind the wheel again within 48 to 72 hours, so the recovery time is pretty quick – but the impact can be incredible.

“We have had people in their 80s who have worn glasses since they were children, who find they don’t need them anymore,” said Vision Scotland, who run a purpose-built state-of-the-art clinic in Edinburgh which treats eye patients from across the city.

Don’t let cataracts blight your life or hold you backDon’t let cataracts blight your life or hold you back
Don’t let cataracts blight your life or hold you back

Using the latest equipment and procedures, and with expert consultants in carrying out the treatment, the service offered is first class. It could also mean you are seen and treated within weeks, rather than having to wait months or years for NHS treatment.

According to analysis by PHIN, the Private Healthcare Information Network, consultants Jonathan Ross and Sanjay Mantry, who run the practice, are the number one and number two busiest cataract surgeons in Scotland.

Their years of expertise mean they have honed their skills to a fine art, and a cataract procedure can be done in about 15 to 20 minutes.

Speak to your optician

Treatment is simple, fast and effectiveTreatment is simple, fast and effective
Treatment is simple, fast and effective

Regular eye tests pick up on all sorts of eye problems, including cataracts. A cataract is some cloudiness on the eye lens – caused by a breakdown of tissues and fibres, basically general wear and tear. Most patients at the Vision Scotland clinic, at Ratho Park, in Newbridge at are referred from their local optometrist or optician.

Vision Scotland also offer laser treatment to correct eyesight issues, and again a referral can be made through your optician.

The clinic explains they are not there to replace the NHS – indeed they say their work compliments what is done in NHS eye clinics and simply offers a faster route to treatment for those who can afford to pay for it, thus helping free up places for much-needed NHS treatments.

You’re in safe hands

The friendly team are all passionate about what they do and want to make you feel at ease with the whole process. After a referral clients have an initial diagnostic appointment, which usually lasts and hour and goes through all the tests needed to analyse precisely what treatment, and what replacement lens, might be needed. After that clients will be given all the information they need and have any questions answered and will have some time to think over the options and decide if they want to go ahead – nobody is rushed into treatment.

Many people have a fear of things being put in their eyes – it’s an uncomfortable thought! But before treatment is done they eye is totally numbed using anaesthetic, which is put into the eye via simple drops, no needles at all.

Fundraising for the community

Vision Scotland works hard in the local community and has strong relationships with optometrists in throughout the city. It runs a variety of free training and upskilling workshops for opticians to give back to this field of medical care.

Every year Vision Scotland organises fundraising so that it can offer free treatments to those who desperately need it but cannot afford it. Referrals for the treatment come via local opticians in the community and Mr Ross and Mr Mantry give their time and skills for free. You can find out more about the fundraising here.

Find out more

The clinic is at 6, Ratho Park, Station Road, Newbridge EH28 8QQ near the M8 and M9 beyond the airport. There is plenty of free parking and the purpose-built clinic is accessible, inviting and comfortable.

To find out more visit the website

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