Man who put hidden cameras in hotel toilet spared jail

Mark Logan pleaded guilty to charges of voyeurism and sexual assault. Picture: Jamie SimpsonMark Logan pleaded guilty to charges of voyeurism and sexual assault. Picture: Jamie Simpson
Mark Logan pleaded guilty to charges of voyeurism and sexual assault. Picture: Jamie Simpson
A FORMER finance director hid a spy camera at the George Hotel in the course of making almost 700 covert videos of colleagues.

Mark Logan, former director at the housing company Wheatley Group, also planted hidden cameras in a toilet at the firm’s Glasgow headquarters. The recordings were made over 12 months at his work and on business trips to Edinburgh and London.

The 48-year-old, of Bearsden, Dunbartonshire, has been spared jail after pleading guilty to charges of voyeurism between May 2015 and 2016 and sexual assault. The court heard Logan’s crimes had “one intended victim” and other incidental victims.

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Advocate Anthony Graham, Logan’s solicitor, told the court his client had “essentially given up his entire career” as a result of his crimes.

He said: “As a chartered accountant in the public sector he was in receipt of a substantial six-figure salary and pension rights.

“He goes from that place to a disciplinary hearing with the Institute of Chartered Accountants, which may not end his career totally but will certainly diminish it.”

Mr Graham said Logan had been working with a psychologist for “the best part of a year” on “self-analysis”.

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He added: “He has taken it upon himself from the outset in facing up to this.”

The 48-year-old also pled guilty to sexually assaulting someone by rubbing them in a sexual manner while they were asleep, without their consent, in 2014. Sheriff Joseph Platt handed down a two-year supervision order when he appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing on Monday, meaning Logan will have to comply with strict social work rules, attending meetings regularly and working with psychologists.

He will also have to comply with notification requirements of being placed on the sex offenders’ register.

The sheriff said: “My primary concern [is] the protection of the public and anyone else who may become a victim of your behaviour. The steps you took to renounce your employment have had a devastating effect on you and your family and I don’t think a further punitive element is required. There was one intended victim and incidental victims of this offence.”

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The sheriff told Logan if he breached the conditions of his supervision he “would reconsider custody” and asked for a review hearing in six months to monitor Logan’s progress.

During the hearing, Sheriff Joseph Platt ordered the destruction of all the videos and the devices they were filmed on.

The court heard previously the materials – three cameras which had been hidden in digital clocks, a hard drive and a micro SD card – contained hundreds of videos of colleagues.

In one film Logan could be seen planting the spy camera on the bedside table in a hotel room to record one of his victims. Another showed Logan performing a sex act on himself with a tie.

The George Hotel, in George Street, is now known as The Principal and is the current Scottish Hotel of the Year.

No-one at the hotel was available for comment.