Fraser on Fishing: Fine sport at Swanswater

Donald McMurchy from Fallin with a 5lb 6oz Tiger taken on a Black Buzzer at SwanswaterDonald McMurchy from Fallin with a 5lb 6oz Tiger taken on a Black Buzzer at Swanswater
Donald McMurchy from Fallin with a 5lb 6oz Tiger taken on a Black Buzzer at Swanswater
I decided to take a jaunt along the motorway to Swanswater Fishery in Stirling to meet up with some old friends.

Heading up to the main pond I could see it was going to be busy. When a fishery gets as crowded as this it usually means it is fishing well.

I watched over the dam wall while a boat angler landed a great looking tiger which must have been well over 5lb. This whetted my appetite to get started and the floating line went on with two diawl bachs and a mini black lure on the point.

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It took the best part of an hour before I got any interest but when it came it was good.

On my first pull I could not tell what actual fly it took but two casts later I connected. It looked like a good fish and it took the red diawl bach on the middle dropper. Eventually tiring it was a rainbow of 3lb but what a mess it made of my cast.

Looking over to the far bank at the dam wall a platform appeared which I made for. It proved to a good move as I picked up three rapid, all on the mini black lure. Fishing it slow on a figure of eight retrieve all three fish took with a vengeance. Although not getting any of the bigger fish the sport was electric. It shows why the fishery is so popular with quality fishing at its best. It won’t be long till I return. Maybe next time I may get one of the big boys.

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