Pedigree chums on the loose

The Secret Life of Pets. Photo: PA Photo/UniversalThe Secret Life of Pets. Photo: PA Photo/Universal
The Secret Life of Pets. Photo: PA Photo/Universal
Creatures great and small wreak havoc on the streets of New York City in Chris Renaud and Yarrow Cheney's colourful computer-animated romp.

Employing a similar framework to Toy Story, The Secret Life Of Pets imagines what our four-legged, feathered and finned friends get up to when our backs are turned, suggesting the fun begins when we go to work or school.

A Jack Russell terrier and an affection starved mongrel replace Woody and Buzz Lightyear as the feuding central characters, whose rivalry mellows inaffection when they are separated from their owner.

The main feature is accompanied by a cute animated short entitled Mower Minions.