Letters: Independence vote is universal human right

A rally showing support for Catalonia outside the Spanish consulateA rally showing support for Catalonia outside the Spanish consulate
A rally showing support for Catalonia outside the Spanish consulate
One reader has got in touch to discuss the upcoming independence debate in Catalonia. Do you agree?

IN her SNP-bad obsession, it is not surprising that Jill Stephenson expresses outrage at our First Minister’s support in Holyrood for the plight of Catalonia, which is suffering the full force of a repressive Madrid government hell bent on stifling any attempt at self-determination (Letters, 25 September). Unsurprising but regrettable and morally bankrupt.

The issue is not Catalonian independence but their right to self-determination. That right is contained in Article 1 of the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and is considered by the UN to be a universal human right.

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Where a people have exercised their right and chosen in favour of independence no state has the right to refuse it - Westminster take note - though many do.

We should all be concerned about what is happening in Catalonia.

The suppression of the right to freedom of expression, including by referendum, the right to peaceful assembly, to participate in political affairs etc are important for democracy to thrive. If these abuses can happen in Spain who is to say they cannot happen here.

Scottish MSPs, including Labour and Liberal but surprise, surprise, not the Tories have signed a letter to Spanish President Rajoy opposing the crackdown and defending the referendum on principle.

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Shamefully the London government is completely silent on this violation of human rights by another European country.

Sometimes principles are more important than self-interest and political expediency. We should be grateful for a Parliament at Holyrood and a First Minister showing leadership and moral conviction in this matter.

JF Davidson, Bonnyrigg