Save Dads Rock charity fundraising campaign launched

Photograph by Ian Georgeson Dads Rock on  launch night at the music box Sighthill campus of Edinburgh College.  Pic: Fergus Wright (8), Thomas Lynch, Hanka Seabright (6) and Daniel Nec (4)Photograph by Ian Georgeson Dads Rock on  launch night at the music box Sighthill campus of Edinburgh College.  Pic: Fergus Wright (8), Thomas Lynch, Hanka Seabright (6) and Daniel Nec (4)
Photograph by Ian Georgeson Dads Rock on launch night at the music box Sighthill campus of Edinburgh College. Pic: Fergus Wright (8), Thomas Lynch, Hanka Seabright (6) and Daniel Nec (4)
A DESPERATE fundraising campaign has been launched to try and save Edinburgh charity Dads Rocks.

The service, which helps around 2000 fathers in the area every year, says it has suffered a massive hit to its funding and cash will run out next month.

That could will see two of its four members of staff made redundant by Christmas.

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And it would leave a gaping hole in the provision of support for dads.

In a statement, they said: “Our latest funding applications have been unsuccessful, we are working hard to secure longer term funding, however to survive we have had to cut our services to families and reduce staff.”

The charity provides support for young dads, counselling, playgroups and even antenatal classes.

Couples are also welcomed by the group.

It was set-up five years ago with the aim of helping dads engage with their children to build lasting relationships, while having fun with music.

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They have launched a campaign webpage at urging people to donate cash, fundraise and help raise awareness by writing to local councillors and MSPs.

But Thomas Lynch, national development manager, told TFN: “We want to be upfront with people and tell them that we need their help.

“We have some applications in the pipleline, but if people are able to donate that’s great.”

He added: “As it stands we are going to let people go unless funds are secured.”

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He said there was limited funds to see them into the New Year.

Applications for grants to the Big Lottery Fund, Children in need and People’s Postcode Lottery were all unsuccessful.

Now they are pinning their hopes on grant applications and donations.

He added: “It is just the usual reasons - competition is really tough and there is not much money to go round.”

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The group began life in Wester Hailes and now reaches Granton, Craigmillar and Edinburgh city centre.

It was founded by Lynch and David Marshall, with music lessons for dads in a place they could relate to other new fathers.

Reaction to their plight has been swift, the the hashtag #savedadsrock trending on twitter within hours of their crisis being revealed.

User Liann Weir Tweeted: “Absolutely gutted that te amazing @DadsRockEdin faces closure.”

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Jonathan Tait said: “Please help us #savedadsrock This Edinburgh charity helps so many families and is in danger of having to close. Don’t let this happen.”

You can visit the fundraising website at

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