Motorbike dad had cheated death in previous accident

David McGarvey was hospitalised last December. Pictures: FacebookDavid McGarvey was hospitalised last December. Pictures: Facebook
David McGarvey was hospitalised last December. Pictures: Facebook
A MOTORBIKE enthusiast who died in Duddingston on Boxing Day had been seriously injured in a previous crash.

David McGarvey, 28, was left needing surgery and had a lengthy stay in hospital.

It comes as police said they were looking into the ownership of the bike David was riding at the time of the horror crash approximately half a mile from the Milton Road junction.

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Officers confirmed they are investigating all angles, including if it was his bike, as they attempt to piece together what actually happened leading up to the tragic incident and how such an accomplished rider had hit a parked car.

The collision caused severe injuries and sadly David died at the scene.

Videos posted to social media, including Facebook, by Mr McGarvey appear to show bikers performing wheelies and stunts on city roads. Tributes continue to pour in for the popular motorcycle enthusiast as fundraising efforts to help his family have reached £300.

Paul David Henderson, who created a GoFundMe page with a target of £1000 to help with funeral costs, wrote: “David lost his life on Boxing Day this year doing something he loved doing!

“We started this campaign as he has two children!

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“One girl and one boy which you can just imagine is not only going to be hard to support them but now the family have a funeral to pay for so if we can reach this target it means it’s a little bit of stress they can take off their shoulders at this very sad time.”

Hundreds of other friends and family shared heartfelt messages on social media including a post from his daughter’s mum, Danielle Sands.

She said: “My daughter will never ever be the same without her daddy...heartbroken isn’t the word we will miss you for the rest of our lives.”

Jordan Kirk added: “Love you always baby you will never leave my heart, I don’t know how we’re all meant to do this without you. It’s too soon for you to go.”

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Robbie Muir said: “One of the nicest guys u could meet...absolute sin, sleep tight mate.”

The devastated family, too distraught by their shock loss, have asked that their privacy be respected.

Capital cops continue to appeal for more witnesses to come forward with any new information that could help pin down the facts leading to the crash.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “Officers investigating the circumstances of a fatal road collision on Duddingston Park, Edinburgh on Tuesday December 26 have received further information about the ownership of the motorcycle involved.

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“They are now making inquiries to establish the full circumstances.

“Anyone with information that can assist officers is asked to contact them on 101 quoting incident number 1923 of 26th December.”