Hearts fan escapes punishment for racial abuse

A hearts fan was arrested under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Picture Lisa FergusonA hearts fan was arrested under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Picture Lisa Ferguson
A hearts fan was arrested under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Picture Lisa Ferguson
A Hearts fan left court with no punishment last week after he admitted racially abusing a Scottish Premiership footballer.

David Pugh was arrested after he shouted an insult about the nationality of former Kilmarnock player Josh Magennis.

Pugh, 49, was charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act and was released on bail in April when he pleaded not guilty.

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But last Tuesday, the council worker left Edinburgh Sheriff Court with no conviction or criminal record, despite changing his plea to guilty.

Sheriff JP Scott granted him an absolute discharge – meaning his conviction will not be officially recorded.

The incident took place 
during a match between Hearts and Kilmarnock at Tynecastle on February 27.

Magennis complained to the police, who then launched an investigation.

Pugh, who works for Falkirk Council’s cleansing department, was accused of calling Magennis an “Irish p***k” during the game.

He was arrested a few days later.